Design a Distributed File System with Score: 9/10

by alchemy1135

System requirements


  1. File Operations:
  2. Support basic file operations such as read, write, append, and delete.
  3. Efficiently handle large file sizes to accommodate diverse data types and user needs.
  4. Metadata Management:
  5. Maintain metadata for each file, including permissions, timestamps, and file locations.
  6. Ensure consistency of metadata across all replicas and nodes in the system.
  7. Fault Tolerance:
  8. Provide replication of data across multiple servers to ensure fault tolerance.
  9. Detect and recover from server failures to maintain data availability and integrity.
  10. Concurrency Control:
  11. Support concurrent access to files while maintaining data consistency.
  12. Implement distributed locking mechanisms to prevent conflicts between operations.
  13. Security:
  14. Ensure data integrity and confidentiality through encryption mechanisms.
  15. Implement access control mechanisms to restrict unauthorized access to files and metadata.


  1. Performance:
  2. Ensure low latency for file operations and data access to meet user expectations.
  3. Optimize throughput and response times to handle concurrent access from multiple clients.
  4. Reliability:
  5. Maintain high reliability by minimizing the risk of data loss or corruption.
  6. Implement robust error handling and recovery mechanisms to mitigate system failures.
  7. Scalability:
  8. Design the system to scale horizontally to accommodate growing storage and user demands.
  9. Ensure seamless integration with additional servers and resources to support increased workload.
  10. Security:
  11. Enforce strict access control measures to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  12. Implement encryption and authentication mechanisms to protect data in transit and at rest.
  13. Availability:
  14. Ensure high availability of services through redundant components and failover mechanisms.
  15. Implement proactive monitoring and alerting to detect and address potential issues promptly.
  16. Manageability:
  17. Provide tools and interfaces for efficient system monitoring, management, and troubleshooting.
  18. Support automation for routine tasks such as backup, replication, and maintenance.
  19. Data Consistency:
  20. Guarantee strong consistency for file operations across distributed nodes to maintain data integrity.
  21. Handle eventual consistency for certain types of data access to optimize performance.

Capacity estimation

File Size Distribution:

  • The system will handle a mix of file sizes, including small, medium, and large files.
  • Statistical analysis reveals an average file size of 1 GB with variations depending on user data.

Replication Factor:

  • The chosen replication factor for fault tolerance and data redundancy is set to 3.
  • This means that each file will have two additional replicas stored on separate servers.

Total Storage Requirements:

  • Considering the average file size of 1 GB and a replication factor of 3:
  • Total Storage = Average file size * Replication factor * Total number of files
  • Total Storage = 1 GB * 3 * 10 million = 30 million GB
  • Therefore, the estimated total storage capacity required for the Distributed File System is 30 million GB, equivalent to 30 PB (petabytes).

By factoring in the file size distribution, replication factor, and total number of files, we can estimate the storage capacity needed to support the system's requirements effectively.

API design

The customer will require a set of APIs to interact with the Distributed File System efficiently. These APIs should provide functionality for performing various file operations, managing metadata, accessing data, and ensuring system reliability and security. Here's a list of essential APIs:

  1. File Operations API:
  2. Read File: Allows customers to retrieve the contents of a file from the Distributed File System.
  3. Write File: Enables customers to create or update files by writing data to the system.
  4. Append to File: Provides the ability to append data to an existing file without overwriting its contents.
  5. Delete File: Allows customers to delete files from the system when no longer needed.
  6. Metadata Management API:
  7. Get Metadata: Retrieves metadata information for a specific file, including permissions, timestamps, and replication details.
  8. Update Metadata: Allows customers to update metadata attributes such as permissions and timestamps for files.
  9. Data Access API:
  10. List Files: Provides a list of files and directories available in the Distributed File System, allowing customers to navigate the file hierarchy.
  11. Search Files: Enables customers to search for files based on specified criteria, such as file name or metadata attributes.
  12. Download File: Allows customers to download files from the system to their local environment for offline access.
  13. Replication and Fault Tolerance API:
  14. Replicate Data: Provides functionality to replicate data across multiple servers to ensure fault tolerance and data redundancy.
  15. Recover from Failures: Allows customers to recover data and restore system functionality in the event of server failures or data loss.
  16. Concurrency Control API:
  17. Acquire Lock: Enables customers to acquire locks on files to prevent concurrent access and maintain data consistency.
  18. Release Lock: Allows customers to release locks on files once they have finished accessing or modifying them.
  19. Security and Access Control API:
  20. Authenticate User: Provides authentication mechanisms for verifying user identities and ensuring secure access to the system.
  21. Authorize Access: Allows customers to authorize access to files based on user permissions and roles defined within the system.
  22. Monitoring and Management API:
  23. Monitor System Health: Provides APIs for monitoring system health, including server status, storage utilization, and performance metrics.
  24. Manage Replication: Allows customers to manage replication settings and configurations to optimize system performance and reliability.

These APIs will empower customers to interact with the Distributed File System seamlessly, enabling them to perform essential file operations, manage metadata, ensure data integrity and reliability, and maintain system security effectively.

Database design

Choice of Database:

Customer, File, Metadata: Relational Database

Entity List:

  • Customer: Represents customers interacting with the file system.
  • File: Represents files stored in the system.
  • Metadata: Represents metadata associated with each file

Database Type and Example: SQL database (e.g., PostgreSQL)

Reasoning for Choosing the Database:

  • SQL Database (Customer, File, Metadata):
  • Example: PostgreSQL
  • Reasoning: SQL databases are suitable for storing structured data such as customer information and file metadata. They provide strong consistency and ACID properties, making them ideal for maintaining relational data integrity.

CAP Theorem Focus:

  • SQL Database (Customer, File, Metadata): CP (Consistency and Partition Tolerance)
  • SQL databases prioritize consistency and partition tolerance, ensuring that data remains consistent across distributed nodes while tolerating network partitions.

Data, Replica: Distributed file storage system

Entity List:

  • Data: Represents the actual file data stored in the system.
  • Replica: Represents replicas of file data for fault tolerance.

b. Database Type and Example: Distributed file storage system (e.g., Hadoop Distributed File System - HDFS)

c. Reasoning for Choosing the Database:

  • Distributed File Storage System (Data, Replica):
  • Example: Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • Reasoning: Distributed file storage systems are designed to handle large volumes of unstructured data efficiently. They offer fault tolerance, scalability, and high availability, making them well-suited for storing file data and replicas across distributed nodes.

CAP Theorem Focus:

  • Distributed File Storage System (Data, Replica): AP (Availability and Partition Tolerance)
  • Distributed file storage systems prioritize availability and partition tolerance, ensuring that data remains available for access even in the event of network partitions or node failures. Strong consistency may be sacrificed in favor of high availability and fault tolerance.

Data Partitioning

To efficiently partition the data in the Distributed File System, we can employ a combination of strategies tailored to the specific characteristics of each entity. Here's how we can partition the data for each entity along with the key columns used for partitioning:

  • Customer Entity:
  • Partitioning Strategy: Horizontal Partitioning based on Customer ID.
  • Key Columns: Customer ID.
  • File Entity:
  • Partitioning Strategy: Horizontal Partitioning based on Customer ID for multi-tenancy support.
  • Key Columns: Customer ID.
  • Metadata Entity:
  • Partitioning Strategy: Horizontal Partitioning based on File ID for efficient retrieval and management.
  • Key Columns: File ID.
  • Data Entity:
  • Partitioning Strategy: Hash-based Partitioning for even distribution across nodes.
  • Key Columns: File ID.
  • Replica Entity:
  • Partitioning Strategy: Hash-based Partitioning for even distribution across nodes.
  • Key Columns: Data ID.

Geographical Partitioning:

Geographical partitioning may not be necessary for this system since it primarily operates in a distributed environment across multiple nodes. However, if the system spans across different geographical regions with specific performance requirements, geographical partitioning could be considered to optimize data access and latency.

By implementing these partitioning strategies and selecting appropriate key columns, we can efficiently distribute the data across nodes while ensuring scalability, performance, and fault tolerance in the Distributed File System.

Horizontal Scaling:

  • Description: Add more nodes to the cluster to handle increasing data volumes and user load.
  • Approach:
  • Dynamically add new nodes to the system as the demand for storage and processing power grows.
  • Distribute data and workload evenly across the expanded cluster to maintain performance and reliability.

Data Locality Optimization:

  • Description: Optimize data access by storing data closer to where it is frequently accessed.
  • Approach:
  • Implement data locality techniques to minimize network latency and improve data access performance.
  • Use caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed data locally on nodes, reducing the need to fetch data from remote locations.
  • Distribute data replicas strategically across nodes to ensure redundancy while minimizing data transfer overhead.

High-level design

In the high-level design of the Distributed File System, several components are necessary to address the various aspects of file storage, metadata management, fault tolerance, scalability, and data access. Here are the key components needed to solve the problem from end to end:

1. Client Interface:

  • Description: Responsible for interacting with users and applications to perform file operations.
  • Functionality:
  • Accepts file operation requests (read, write, delete) from users and applications.
  • Translates file operations into commands understood by the Distributed File System.
  • Handles authentication and authorization of users.

2. Metadata Service:

  • Description: Manages metadata information associated with files stored in the system.
  • Functionality:
  • Stores metadata such as file permissions, timestamps, and file locations.
  • Ensures consistency of metadata across replicas.
  • Provides APIs for querying and updating metadata.

3. Data Storage:

  • Description: Stores the actual file data distributed across multiple nodes.
  • Functionality:
  • Stores file data in a distributed manner across data nodes.
  • Provides mechanisms for efficient data retrieval and storage.
  • Implements fault tolerance mechanisms such as data replication and recovery.

4. Replication Manager:

  • Description: Manages data replication across multiple nodes for fault tolerance.
  • Functionality:
  • Monitors the health of replicas and nodes in the system.
  • Coordinates data replication to maintain data availability.
  • Handles data recovery in case of node failures.

5. Namespace Node:

  • Description: Manages the hierarchy of files and directories in the file system.
  • Functionality:
  • Maps file paths to actual data locations.
  • Handles file path resolution and directory operations.
  • Ensures consistency and integrity of the namespace.

6. Concurrency Control Manager:

  • Description: Handles distributed locking mechanisms to support concurrent file access.
  • Functionality:
  • Implements distributed locking protocols to prevent conflicts between file operations.
  • Coordinates access to shared resources to maintain data consistency.
  • Manages concurrency and isolation levels for file operations.

7. Security Module:

  • Description: Ensures data integrity, confidentiality, and access control.
  • Functionality:
  • Implements encryption mechanisms to secure data transmission and storage.
  • Provides authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access to files and resources.
  • Enforces security policies and regulations.

8. Load Balancer:

  • Description: Distributes incoming requests across multiple nodes to ensure load balancing.
  • Functionality:
  • Routes requests to available nodes based on workload and resource availability.
  • Monitors node health and performance to optimize request distribution.
  • Prevents overloading of individual nodes and ensures scalability.

9. Monitoring and Logging:

  • Description: Monitors system health, performance, and usage metrics.
  • Functionality:
  • Collects and analyzes system logs, metrics, and events.
  • Provides real-time monitoring dashboards and alerts.
  • Helps in diagnosing issues, optimizing performance, and planning capacity.

10. Admin Interface:

  • Description: Provides administrative tools and interfaces for system management.
  • Functionality:
  • Allows administrators to configure system settings, manage users, and monitor system health.
  • Provides tools for performance tuning, troubleshooting, and maintenance tasks.
  • Ensures smooth operation and management of the Distributed File System.

Detailed component design

Metadata Service:

The Metadata Service is responsible for managing metadata information related to files, such as file locations, permissions, timestamps, and replication details. It plays a crucial role in ensuring data consistency and facilitating file operations across the distributed system.


  1. Metadata Storage: The Metadata Service stores metadata for each file in the system. This includes information such as file names, sizes, permissions, timestamps, and the locations of file replicas.
  2. Metadata Updates: When a file is created, modified, or deleted, the Metadata Service updates the corresponding metadata entries accordingly. It ensures that metadata changes are propagated consistently across all replicas to maintain data consistency.
  3. Replication Management: The Metadata Service coordinates data replication by tracking the locations of file replicas and ensuring that data is evenly distributed across storage nodes. It monitors the health of replicas and initiates replication processes to maintain fault tolerance and high availability.
  4. Namespace Management: It manages the hierarchical structure of files and directories in the file system, mapping logical file paths to physical storage locations. This enables efficient file access and retrieval operations.


  • The Metadata Service can scale horizontally by distributing metadata across multiple nodes in the system.
  • To enhance scalability, a distributed key-value store like Apache ZooKeeper or etcd can be utilized to store metadata in a fault-tolerant and highly available manner.

Algorithm and Data Structure:

  • Consistent Hashing: Consistent hashing can be used to distribute metadata across multiple Metadata Service nodes. It ensures that the addition or removal of nodes minimally affects the distribution of metadata, thereby maintaining load balance and scalability.
  • B-tree or Trie: These data structures can be employed to organize and index metadata efficiently, enabling fast lookups and retrieval operations even in large-scale distributed environments.

Replication Manager:

The Replication Manager is responsible for managing data replication across multiple storage nodes to ensure fault tolerance and high availability of data. It monitors the health of data replicas, initiates replication processes, and coordinates data recovery in case of failures.


  1. Replica Monitoring: The Replication Manager continuously monitors the health and status of data replicas distributed across storage nodes. It detects replica failures, inconsistencies, or corruptions promptly.
  2. Replica Synchronization: It initiates synchronization processes to ensure that all replicas are consistent and up-to-date. This involves transferring data updates or patches between replicas to maintain data integrity.
  3. Data Recovery: In case of replica failures or data corruptions, the Replication Manager coordinates data recovery processes. It may initiate replica reconstruction, data repair, or rollback procedures to restore data consistency and availability.
  4. Load Balancing: The Replication Manager may perform load balancing operations by redistributing data replicas across storage nodes to optimize resource utilization and improve system performance.


  • The Replication Manager can scale horizontally by distributing replication management tasks across multiple nodes.
  • Utilizing a distributed messaging system like Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ can enhance scalability by enabling parallel processing of replication tasks.

Algorithm and Data Structure:

  • Quorum-based Replication: Quorum-based replication algorithms like Paxos or Raft can be used to ensure consistency and fault tolerance in replicated data. These algorithms provide mechanisms for achieving consensus among replica nodes regarding data updates and modifications.
  • Vector Clocks: Vector clocks can be employed to track causal relationships between data updates in distributed systems. They help in resolving conflicts and detecting concurrent updates across replicas.

Distributed Locking Mechanisms

In distributed file systems, distributed locking mechanisms like Two-Phase Locking are commonly used to manage concurrent access to shared files and resources. For example, when multiple users or processes attempt to read or write to the same file simultaneously, distributed locking ensures that only one user or process can modify the file at a time, preventing data corruption and maintaining consistency.

Consensus algorithms like Paxos or Raft are employed in distributed file systems to ensure data replication and fault tolerance across multiple storage nodes. These algorithms coordinate the replication of file data and metadata across distributed nodes, ensuring that all replicas agree on the order and content of data updates. This ensures data consistency and reliability, even in the presence of node failures or network partitions.

Two-Phase Locking (2PL) is a widely used distributed locking protocol that ensures serializability of transactions by acquiring and releasing locks in two phases: the growing phase and the shrinking phase.


  1. Growing Phase: When a transaction starts, it acquires the necessary locks on the resources it intends to access. These locks are held throughout the transaction's execution.
  2. Shrinking Phase: Once a transaction has accessed all the required resources and is ready to commit, it releases the locks it holds. No new locks can be acquired during this phase.


  • Serializability: Two-Phase Locking ensures that transactions execute in a serializable order, preventing conflicts and maintaining data consistency.
  • Deadlock Prevention: By following strict lock acquisition and release protocols, Two-Phase Locking helps prevent deadlocks where transactions wait indefinitely for resources held by other transactions.


  • Lock Contention: In high-concurrency environments, lock contention can occur when multiple transactions compete for the same resources, leading to performance bottlenecks.
  • Deadlock Detection: While Two-Phase Locking prevents deadlocks, detecting and resolving deadlocks that occur due to cyclic waits can be challenging in distributed systems.

Consensus Algorithms (e.g., Paxos or Raft):

Consensus algorithms are fundamental to achieving fault tolerance and data consistency in distributed systems by ensuring that all nodes agree on a single value or decision despite the possibility of failures or network partitions.

Paxos and Raft are two prominent consensus algorithms commonly used in distributed systems:


  • Paxos is a consensus algorithm designed to reach agreement among a group of nodes in an asynchronous network.
  • It operates in three phases: prepare, accept, and commit, to achieve consensus on a single proposed value.
  • Paxos ensures safety (only one value is chosen) and liveness (progress is made despite failures), but it can be complex to understand and implement correctly.


  • Raft is a more understandable consensus algorithm designed as an alternative to Paxos.
  • It divides the consensus process into leader election, log replication, and safety mechanisms, making it easier to comprehend and implement.
  • Raft offers strong consistency guarantees and is well-suited for building fault-tolerant distributed systems.


  • Fault Tolerance: Consensus algorithms like Paxos and Raft ensure that even if some nodes fail or become unreachable, the system can continue to operate and maintain data consistency.
  • Data Replication: Consensus algorithms facilitate data replication by ensuring that all replicas agree on the order and content of data updates, enhancing fault tolerance and reliability.


  • Complexity: Implementing consensus algorithms correctly can be challenging due to their inherent complexity, especially in large-scale distributed systems.
  • Performance Overhead: Consensus protocols may introduce additional latency and overhead, particularly in environments with high message latency or network partitions.

By employing distributed locking mechanisms like Two-Phase Locking for concurrency control and consensus algorithms like Paxos or Raft for replication management, distributed file systems can ensure data consistency, fault tolerance, and high availability, even in the face of failures and network partitions.