My Solution for Design a Task Scheduler with Score: 9/10

by utopia4715

System requirements


- User can schedule a one-off task or recurring task

- Examples of tasks are: send notification email, transfer money, 

run a report and send the result.



- Low Response Time

- Scalable: 1000s of tasks executed at once

Capacity estimation

- 100K DAU

- 100 tasks per day per user

- 10M tasks / day

- 1KB storage for each event. 10GB storage.  

- Let's say 1GB is added every day. 730GB in 2 years.  

API design

 schedule_task(user_id, date_time, type, metadata)

 -> returns event_id

- cancel_task(user_id, event_id)

- update_task(user_id, event_id, date_time, type, metadata)

Database design

Storage is within the range that fits RDB.  

Consistency is important because we want to execute accurate events.

Main storage should be RDB. 

- Data Model

Task Table:

- task_id

- user_id

- execution_datetime # in seconds

- recurring_period # in seconds

- type # email, payment, report

Normalization gives better consistency, e.g., if user wants to change payment amount across the board. 

many-to-one from Payment, Notification tables to Task table

Payment Table:

- user_id

- task_id

- sender

- receiver

- amount

Notification Table:

- user_id

- task_id

- sender

- receiver

- message

High-level design

Scheduler Service stores tasks in RDB.

Task Runner reads from RDB and creates events in Message Queue.

Email Sender and Payment Sender reads from this queue and takes actions.

Request flows

Explain how the request flows from end to end in your high level design. Also you could draw a sequence diagram using the diagramming tool to enhance your explanation...

Detailed component design

- Initiate tasks at the right time.

I would imagine a message queue has a functionality to run task at a certain time. 

If there is no such functionality, I would implement it using a topic. 

I can create a topic that runs at a certain time, e.g., May 1st, 9:00AM PDT.  

Task handlers such as Email Sender or Payment Sender subscribes to this topic and execute tasks.

- Monitor all components for response time and resource situation.

- For example, if Email Sender or Payment Sender lags behind, notify sysadmin immediately.

Trade offs/Tech choices

We chose Relational DB as the main storage for tasks.

Storage size is within the range that fits RDB.  

Consistency is important because we want to execute accurate events.

Main storage should be RDB. 

NoSQL DBs give better scalability. However, consistency is the strength of RDB.

RDB cannot scale horizontally.  Therefore, we need to partition data by user_id. This gives good locality. e.g. if user sends 1,000 events, metadata can be read from cache.

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

- Notification or Payment fails. Retry N times using Message Queue. After that, notify the user of failure. 

- Payment does not go through for the lack of fund or authorization. Cancel event and inform the user.

- RDB cannot scale. Partition data by user_id. This gives good locality. e.g. if user sends 1,000 events, metadata can be read from cache.

Future improvements

What are some future improvements you would make? How would you mitigate the failure scenario(s) you described above?