My Solution for Design Uber Backend with Score: 8/10

by iridescent_luminous693

System requirements

Passenger Features

  1. User Registration and Authentication:
    • Passengers and drivers can create accounts, log in, and manage profiles.
  2. Ride Booking:
    • Passengers can request rides by specifying pickup and drop-off locations.
    • Option to choose ride types (economy, premium, shared, etc.).
  3. Real-Time Tracking:
    • Passengers can track drivers' locations in real-time during the ride.
  4. Fare Estimation:
    • Passengers receive fare estimates based on distance, time, and demand.
  5. Payment Processing:
    • Support multiple payment methods, including credit cards, wallets, and cash.
  6. Ride History:
    • Passengers can view previous rides and their details (e.g., fares, drivers).
  7. Ratings and Reviews:
    • Passengers and drivers can rate and review each other.

Driver Features

  1. Driver Availability:
    • Drivers can mark themselves available or unavailable for rides.
  2. Ride Management:
    • Accept or reject ride requests within a specified time.
  3. Earnings Dashboard:
    • View earnings, completed rides, and payment details.
  4. Navigation Assistance:
    • Provide optimized routes to pick up and drop off passengers.

Platform Features

  1. Matching System:
    • Match passengers with the nearest available drivers based on location and ride preferences.
  2. Dynamic Pricing:
    • Adjust fares based on demand and supply (e.g., surge pricing during peak hours).
  3. Notifications:
    • Real-time notifications for ride requests, status updates, and payments.
  4. Admin Dashboard:
    • Manage users, vehicles, and handle customer support queries.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • Ensure low latency (<200ms) for ride-matching and updates.
    • Handle high request throughput during peak hours.
  2. Scalability:
    • Support thousands of concurrent users across multiple regions.
    • Horizontally scalable architecture for user growth.
  3. Reliability:
    • 99.9% uptime with failover mechanisms.
    • Redundant systems for critical components like ride matching and payment.
  4. Security:
    • Encrypt sensitive data like user details and payment information.
    • Protect against fraud and unauthorized access.
  5. Usability:
    • Simple and intuitive user interface for both passengers and drivers.
    • Multilingual support for diverse user bases.
  6. Availability:
    • Support 24/7 operations with real-time ride tracking and updates.
  7. Data Consistency:
    • Strong consistency for payment processing and ride allocation.
    • Eventual consistency for less critical features like ride history.
  8. Maintainability:
    • Modular architecture for easier updates and feature additions.
    • Comprehensive logging and monitoring for debugging.
  9. Privacy:
    • Adhere to GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy regulations.
    • Allow users to manage and delete personal data.
  10. Extensibility:
    • Integration with third-party services like navigation APIs, payment gateways, and analytics tools.

Capacity estimation

1. User Base

  • Monthly Active Users (MAU): 10 million passengers and 1 million drivers.
  • Daily Active Users (DAU): ~1 million passengers and ~100,000 drivers.
  • Concurrent Users:
    • Assume 10% of DAU active simultaneously during peak hours → ~100,000 passengers and ~10,000 drivers.

2. Ride Requests

  • Rides Per Day:
    • Assume each active passenger books ~2 rides/day → 2 million ride requests/day.
  • Peak Ride Requests Per Second (RPS):
    • Peak hour ~10% of daily rides → 200,000 rides/hour = ~55 RPS.

3. GPS Updates

  • Frequency of Updates:
    • Driver and passenger apps send location updates every 5 seconds.
  • Concurrent Updates:
    • ~10,000 drivers and ~100,000 passengers = 110,000 updates every 5 seconds.
  • Data Per Update:
    • Each update ~500 bytes.
  • Bandwidth:
    • 110,000 updates * 500 bytes = ~55 MB every 5 seconds (~660 MB/hour during peak).

4. Notifications

  • Ride Notifications:
    • Notifications for ride requests, updates, and completion.
    • Assume ~5 notifications per ride → 10 million notifications/day.
  • Peak Notifications Per Second:
    • Peak hour ~1 million notifications/hour → ~280 notifications/second.

5. Payment Transactions

  • Transactions Per Day:
    • Each ride generates a payment → ~2 million payments/day.
  • Peak Payment Requests Per Second:
    • Peak hour ~10% of daily payments → 200,000 payments/hour = ~55 TPS.

6. Database Size

  • User Data:
    • ~11 million users * 10 KB/user = ~110 GB.
  • Ride Data:
    • ~2 million rides/day * 2 KB/ride = ~4 GB/day → ~1.46 TB/year.
  • Location Data:
    • GPS logs for 1 year (~660 MB/hour) = ~5.78 TB/year.
  • Notifications:
    • ~10 million notifications/day * 1 KB = ~10 GB/day → ~3.65 TB/year.

7. Compute Requirements

  • Ride Matching:
    • Handle ~55 RPS during peak with matching algorithms.
  • GPS Updates:
    • Process 110,000 updates every 5 seconds (~22,000 RPS).
  • Payment Processing:
    • Handle ~55 TPS during peak hours.

8. Bandwidth

  • Ride-Related Requests:
    • ~200,000 rides/hour * ~5 KB/request = ~1 GB/hour.
  • GPS Updates:
    • ~660 MB/hour during peak.
  • Notifications:
    • ~280 notifications/second * 1 KB = ~1 MB/second (~3.6 GB/hour).

API design

1. User Management APIs

  1. POST /user/signup
    • Register a new user (passenger or driver).
  2. POST /user/login
    • Authenticate a user and issue a token.
  3. GET /user/profile
    • Retrieve user profile details.
  4. PUT /user/profile
    • Update user profile information.
  5. DELETE /user/account
    • Deactivate or delete a user account.

2. Ride Management APIs

  1. POST /ride/request
    • Request a ride by specifying pickup and drop-off locations.
  2. GET /ride/estimate
    • Fetch estimated fare, time, and distance for a trip.
  3. GET /ride/status/{ride_id}
    • Retrieve the current status of a ride.
  4. POST /ride/cancel
    • Cancel an ongoing or upcoming ride.
  5. POST /ride/rating
    • Submit a rating and review for a driver or passenger.

3. Driver Management APIs

  1. GET /driver/available
    • Fetch the list of nearby available drivers.
  2. POST /driver/status
    • Update the driver’s availability status (online/offline).
  3. GET /driver/rides
    • Retrieve the driver’s ride history.
  4. POST /driver/accept
    • Accept a ride request from a passenger.
  5. POST /driver/cancel
    • Cancel a ride after acceptance.

4. Real-Time Tracking APIs

  1. POST /tracking/location/update
    • Update the GPS location of a driver or passenger.
  2. GET /tracking/location/{ride_id}
    • Retrieve the current location of the vehicle for a specific ride.
  3. GET /tracking/route/{ride_id}
    • Fetch the recommended route for the driver.

5. Payment APIs

  1. POST /payment/initialize
    • Initiate a payment for a ride.
  2. POST /payment/confirm
    • Confirm and process the payment.
  3. GET /payment/history
    • Retrieve payment history for a user.
  4. POST /payment/refund
    • Initiate a refund for a canceled ride.

6. Notification APIs

  1. GET /notifications
    • Retrieve notifications (e.g., ride status updates, offers).
  2. POST /notifications/acknowledge
    • Mark a notification as read or acknowledged.

7. Admin APIs

  1. GET /admin/users
    • Fetch the list of all users (passengers and drivers).
  2. GET /admin/rides
    • Retrieve all ride details for monitoring.
  3. POST /admin/block_user
    • Block or deactivate a user account.
  4. POST /admin/surge_pricing
    • Apply surge pricing to specific regions.

8. Analytics APIs

  1. GET /analytics/usage
    • Fetch system-wide usage metrics (e.g., active users, rides completed).
  2. GET /analytics/revenue
    • Retrieve revenue metrics for drivers and the platform.
  3. GET /analytics/demand
    • Analyze regional ride demand trends.

9. Support APIs

  1. POST /support/ticket
    • Create a support ticket for an issue.
  2. GET /support/ticket/{ticket_id}
    • Fetch the status of a support ticket.
  3. POST /support/resolve
    • Mark a support ticket as resolved.

Database design

1. User Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • users table:
      • Attributes: user_id (PK), name, email (unique), password_hash, user_type (driver/passenger), phone_number, profile_image_url, created_at, updated_at.
    • driver_details table (specific to drivers):
      • Attributes: driver_id (PK, FK), vehicle_type, license_number, rating, availability_status.
  • Purpose:
    • Store user profiles, driver details, and authentication data.
  • Tech Used:
    • PostgreSQL
  • Reason:
    • Relational database ensures strong consistency and supports complex queries for user management.

2. Ride Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • rides table:
      • Attributes: ride_id (PK), passenger_id (FK), driver_id (FK), pickup_location, dropoff_location, status (requested/accepted/completed/canceled), fare, distance, created_at, updated_at.
    • ride_events table:
      • Attributes: event_id (PK), ride_id (FK), event_type (e.g., pickup, dropoff), timestamp.
  • Purpose:
    • Track ride lifecycle, match passengers with drivers, and store ride history.
  • Tech Used:
    • MySQL
  • Reason:
    • Well-suited for structured data and high-frequency transactional queries.

3. GPS and Location Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • locations table:
      • Attributes: location_id (PK), latitude, longitude, timestamp, user_id (FK), ride_id (FK).
    • routes table:
      • Attributes: route_id (PK), ride_id (FK), start_location, end_location, waypoints.
  • Purpose:
    • Store real-time location updates for drivers and passengers.
  • Tech Used:
    • Redis for real-time updates, PostGIS (PostgreSQL) for geospatial data.
  • Reason:
    • Redis ensures low-latency location updates, while PostGIS supports spatial queries and route calculations.

4. Payment Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • payments table:
      • Attributes: payment_id (PK), ride_id (FK), user_id (FK), amount, payment_method (card, wallet, cash), status, created_at.
    • refunds table:
      • Attributes: refund_id (PK), payment_id (FK), amount, reason, timestamp.
  • Purpose:
    • Track payment transactions, refunds, and balances for users.
  • Tech Used:
    • MySQL
  • Reason:
    • Strong ACID compliance ensures reliable payment processing.

5. Notification Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • notifications table:
      • Attributes: notification_id (PK), user_id (FK), ride_id (FK, optional), message, type (e.g., ride update, promo), status (read/unread), created_at.
  • Purpose:
    • Manage real-time notifications and alerts for users.
  • Tech Used:
    • Redis for real-time delivery, PostgreSQL for persistent storage.
  • Reason:
    • Redis handles real-time notifications efficiently, while PostgreSQL provides durability.

6. Search and Matching Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • search_index:
      • Attributes: user_id, location, availability_status, last_updated.
  • Purpose:
    • Facilitate driver-passenger matching and proximity-based searches.
  • Tech Used:
    • Elasticsearch
  • Reason:
    • Optimized for fast text and geospatial queries.

7. Analytics Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • ride_metrics table:
      • Attributes: metric_id (PK), region, total_rides, average_fare, timestamp.
    • user_engagement table:
      • Attributes: metric_id (PK), user_id, active_hours, rides_booked, timestamp.
  • Purpose:
    • Track system-wide metrics, user engagement, and revenue analytics.
  • Tech Used:
    • Amazon Redshift or Google BigQuery
  • Reason:
    • Optimized for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) with large-scale data aggregation.

8. Moderation Database

  • Database Schema Details:
    • flags table:
      • Attributes: flag_id (PK), ride_id (FK, optional), user_id (FK), reason, status, created_at.
    • reports table:
      • Attributes: report_id (PK), flag_id (FK), reviewed_by, action_taken, timestamp.
  • Purpose:
    • Track and manage flagged content or reports for inappropriate behavior.
  • Tech Used:
    • MongoDB
  • Reason:
    • Flexible schema for diverse flagging scenarios and metadata.

High-level design

1. User Interface (UI)

  • Overview:
    • Web and mobile applications for passengers and drivers to interact with the platform.
  • Features:
    • Passengers: Book rides, view ride history, track rides, and manage payments.
    • Drivers: Manage availability, accept rides, view earnings, and navigate routes.

2. API Gateway

  • Overview:
    • Acts as the entry point for all client requests.
  • Features:
    • Routes requests to appropriate microservices.
    • Handles authentication, rate limiting, and logging.

3. User Management Service

  • Overview:
    • Manages user accounts, profiles, and authentication.
  • Features:
    • Registration, login, password management, and user role differentiation (passenger/driver).

4. Ride Management Service

  • Overview:
    • Handles ride requests, matches passengers with drivers, and manages ride statuses.
  • Features:
    • Ride creation, assignment, tracking, and cancellation.

5. Driver Management Service

  • Overview:
    • Manages driver availability, ride acceptance, and performance tracking.
  • Features:
    • Tracks driver location, availability, and reviews.

6. Payment Service

  • Overview:
    • Handles fare estimation, payment processing, and refunds.
  • Features:
    • Supports multiple payment methods and integrates with third-party payment gateways.

7. Real-Time Location Service

  • Overview:
    • Tracks the real-time location of drivers and passengers.
  • Features:
    • Updates driver and passenger locations at regular intervals.
    • Provides route optimization and navigation assistance.

8. Notification Service

  • Overview:
    • Sends real-time notifications to users and drivers.
  • Features:
    • Ride updates, promotional offers, and system alerts.

9. Search and Matching Service

  • Overview:
    • Matches passengers with the nearest available drivers.
  • Features:
    • Proximity-based matching using geolocation.
    • Dynamic ride assignment based on availability and driver preferences.

10. Analytics and Reporting Service

  • Overview:
    • Aggregates and analyzes platform data for business insights.
  • Features:
    • Tracks ride metrics, user engagement, and revenue statistics.

11. Moderation Service

  • Overview:
    • Handles flagged content, reports of misconduct, and system abuse.
  • Features:
    • Allows admins to review and act on flagged rides or behavior.

12. Load Balancer

  • Overview:
    • Distributes incoming traffic across multiple services.
  • Features:
    • Ensures high availability and fault tolerance by balancing loads during peak traffic.

13. Data Pipeline

  • Overview:
    • Processes and streams real-time and historical data for analytics and ML models.
  • Features:
    • Collects location data, ride logs, and user interactions.

14. Admin Dashboard

  • Overview:
    • Provides tools for administrators to monitor and manage the platform.
  • Features:
    • User management, ride monitoring, and demand-supply analysis.

15. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Overview:
    • Optimizes delivery of static assets (e.g., maps, profile images).
  • Features:
    • Reduces latency for geographically distributed users.

16. Machine Learning Engine

  • Overview:
    • Enhances dynamic pricing, ride matching, and fraud detection.
  • Features:
    • Predicts demand, suggests optimized routes, and identifies anomalies.

Request flows

1. User Registration

  1. User Interaction:
    • User submits name, email, password, and user type (passenger/driver).
  2. API Gateway:
    • Routes the request to the User Management Service.
  3. User Management Service:
    • Validates input data and checks for existing email/phone number.
    • Hashes the password and creates a new user record in the User Database.
  4. Database Interaction:
    • Saves user details to the User Database.
  5. Response:
    • Returns success confirmation with user profile details.

2. Ride Request

  1. User Interaction:
    • Passenger inputs pickup and drop-off locations and submits a ride request.
  2. API Gateway:
    • Routes the request to the Ride Management Service.
  3. Ride Management Service:
    • Validates the passenger’s location and availability of drivers.
    • Queries the Search and Matching Service to find the nearest available driver.
  4. Search and Matching Service:
    • Searches the Search Index Database for drivers within proximity.
    • Matches the passenger with the most suitable driver based on distance, ratings, and preferences.
  5. Notification Service:
    • Sends a ride request notification to the matched driver.
  6. Driver Interaction:
    • Driver accepts or rejects the ride request.
  7. Ride Management Service:
    • If accepted, updates ride status in the Ride Database.
    • If rejected, queries the Search and Matching Service for another driver.
  8. Response:
    • Sends ride confirmation and estimated time of arrival (ETA) to the passenger.

3. Real-Time Tracking

  1. Driver Updates Location:
    • Driver’s app periodically sends GPS updates to the Real-Time Location Service via the API Gateway.
  2. Real-Time Location Service:
    • Updates the driver’s location in the GPS and Location Database.
    • Notifies the Ride Management Service about updated locations.
  3. Passenger Requests Location:
    • Passenger queries the driver’s real-time location via the API Gateway.
  4. Real-Time Location Service:
    • Fetches the driver’s latest location from the GPS and Location Database.
    • Calculates and returns the updated ETA.
  5. Response:
    • Displays driver’s current location and updated ETA to the passenger.

4. Payment Processing

  1. User Interaction:
    • After the ride ends, the passenger selects a payment method (card, wallet, or cash).
  2. API Gateway:
    • Routes the request to the Payment Service.
  3. Payment Service:
    • Validates payment details and queries the Payment Database to process the transaction.
    • If using a wallet or card, integrates with a third-party payment gateway (e.g., Stripe).
  4. Database Interaction:
    • Logs the transaction details in the Payment Database.
  5. Response:
    • Confirms payment success or failure to the passenger and updates ride status in the Ride Database.

5. Submit a Review

  1. User Interaction:
    • Passenger or driver submits a review and rating after the ride.
  2. API Gateway:
    • Routes the request to the Review Management Service.
  3. Review Management Service:
    • Validates the review and saves it in the Ride Database and Search Index Database for analytics.
  4. Response:
    • Confirms the review submission and updates ratings.

6. Cancel a Ride

  1. User Interaction:
    • Passenger or driver requests to cancel a ride.
  2. API Gateway:
    • Routes the request to the Ride Management Service.
  3. Ride Management Service:
    • Validates cancellation rules (e.g., timing, penalties).
    • Updates ride status in the Ride Database and notifies the other party.
  4. Payment Service:
    • Processes any applicable cancellation fees and updates the Payment Database.
  5. Response:
    • Confirms cancellation and adjusts the user’s balance or records penalties.

7. Notification Delivery

  1. Trigger Event:
    • Ride-related updates, such as driver arrival or ride completion, are sent as notifications.
  2. Notification Service:
    • Creates a notification event and stores it in the Notification Database.
    • Uses Redis or similar pub/sub mechanisms to deliver real-time notifications.
  3. Response:
    • Delivers notifications to the user’s app in real-time.

8. Admin Monitoring

  1. Admin Interaction:
    • Admin queries ride or user data for monitoring via the admin dashboard.
  2. API Gateway:
    • Routes the request to the Analytics and Reporting Service.
  3. Analytics Service:
    • Fetches aggregated data from the Analytics Database.
  4. Response:
    • Returns system metrics, user activity logs, or ride history to the admin dashboard.

Detailed component design

1. Ride Management Service

End-to-End Working

  1. Receives ride requests from passengers via the API Gateway.
  2. Queries the Search and Matching Service to locate nearby drivers.
  3. Updates the Ride Database with the new ride request and driver assignment.
  4. Tracks the ride lifecycle (requested → accepted → in-progress → completed).
  5. Sends notifications to both passengers and drivers about ride status.

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Relational Schema: Stores ride details in the Ride Database with ride_id, passenger_id, driver_id, and status.
  • Matching Algorithm: Uses Haversine Formula for proximity calculation and assigns the nearest available driver.
  • State Machine: Implements ride lifecycle transitions (e.g., requested → accepted → in-progress).

Scaling for Peak Traffic

  • Horizontal Scaling: Deploys multiple instances of the service behind a load balancer to handle spikes in ride requests.
  • Caching: Caches frequently accessed data, like active drivers, in Redis for quick retrieval.
  • Async Processing: Offloads non-critical tasks, like notifications, to a message queue (e.g., Kafka).

Edge Cases and Handling

  1. No Drivers Available:
    • Handling: Notifies the passenger and retries the matching process after a delay.
  2. Driver Cancels Ride:
    • Handling: Automatically rematches the passenger with another driver.
  3. High Request Volume:
    • Handling: Rate limits new requests and prioritizes VIP passengers.

2. Real-Time Location Service

End-to-End Working

  1. Receives periodic GPS updates from drivers and passengers.
  2. Stores location data in the GPS and Location Database.
  3. Provides real-time location tracking to passengers and drivers.
  4. Calculates ETAs and recommends optimal routes using geospatial queries.

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Geohashing: Encodes latitude and longitude into compact strings for efficient spatial indexing.
  • R-Trees: Facilitates spatial queries, such as finding nearby drivers.
  • Shortest Path Algorithms: Uses Dijkstra's Algorithm or A* for route optimization.

Scaling for Peak Traffic

  • Edge Processing: Processes location updates locally on the app or edge servers to reduce central system load.
  • Sharding: Partitions location data by geographical regions to distribute workload.
  • WebSocket Scaling: Uses connection pooling and WebSocket multiplexing to manage thousands of concurrent users.

Edge Cases and Handling

  1. Network Latency or GPS Errors:
    • Handling: Smooths location data using Kalman Filters to reduce noise.
  2. Driver Location Out of Sync:
    • Handling: Predicts driver location using motion models during data gaps.
  3. Overwhelming GPS Updates:
    • Handling: Reduces update frequency dynamically during high load.

3. Search and Matching Service

End-to-End Working

  1. Receives ride requests with passenger location and preferences.
  2. Queries the Search Index Database for nearby drivers using geospatial search.
  3. Applies business rules (e.g., driver ratings, ride preferences) to rank matches.
  4. Returns the best match to the Ride Management Service.

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Inverted Index: Used for driver metadata, such as ratings and availability.
  • Haversine Formula: Calculates distances between passenger and drivers.
  • Priority Queue: Ranks drivers based on distance, ratings, and preferences.

Scaling for Peak Traffic

  • Sharded Index: Divides the search index by geographic regions.
  • Result Caching: Caches recent search results for faster responses in high-demand areas.
  • Horizontal Scaling: Deploys additional Elasticsearch nodes to handle increased queries.

Edge Cases and Handling

  1. No Drivers Found:
    • Handling: Expands search radius and retries.
  2. Stale Driver Data:
    • Handling: Periodically refreshes the search index to remove unavailable drivers.
  3. Concurrent Matches:
    • Handling: Uses atomic updates to ensure a driver is assigned to only one passenger.

4. Payment Service

End-to-End Working

  1. Processes payment requests after ride completion.
  2. Validates payment details and integrates with third-party gateways for card/wallet payments.
  3. Updates payment records in the Payment Database.
  4. Handles refunds for canceled rides.

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Relational Schema: Stores payment details with payment_id, ride_id, amount, and status.
  • Transactional Queue: Ensures reliable payment processing by retrying failed transactions.

Scaling for Peak Traffic

  • Read-Write Replicas: Uses replicas to separate read-heavy and write-heavy operations.
  • Partitioning: Splits payment records by user ID or date for faster access.
  • Batch Processing: Groups smaller payment transactions for processing during surges.

Edge Cases and Handling

  1. Payment Gateway Downtime:
    • Handling: Allows retry or switches to alternative gateways.
  2. Payment Failures:
    • Handling: Marks the transaction as pending and retries asynchronously.
  3. Fraudulent Transactions:
    • Handling: Flags suspicious activity using ML-based fraud detection.

5. Notification Service

End-to-End Working

  1. Receives notification events (e.g., ride status updates) from other services.
  2. Queues notifications in the Notification Queue for asynchronous processing.
  3. Delivers notifications via push, SMS, or email based on user preferences.

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Priority Queue: Ensures urgent notifications (e.g., ride acceptance) are delivered first.
  • Pub/Sub Mechanism: Uses Kafka or Redis to distribute notifications in real-time.

Scaling for Peak Traffic

  • Worker Pools: Dynamically scales the number of workers to process queued notifications.
  • Multichannel Delivery: Distributes load across push, SMS, and email channels.
  • Caching: Stores notification templates in memory for faster delivery.

Edge Cases and Handling

  1. Undelivered Notifications:
    • Handling: Retries with exponential backoff.
  2. Notification Flooding:
    • Handling: Groups multiple notifications into a single digest.
  3. Failed Channels:
    • Handling: Falls back to alternate channels if one fails.

Trade offs/Tech choices

  1. PostgreSQL for Users:
    • Trade-Off: Strong consistency but more complex scaling than NoSQL.
    • Reason: Relational structure ensures reliability for user and driver profiles.
  2. Redis for Real-Time Location:
    • Trade-Off: Limited persistence but extremely fast for frequent updates.
    • Reason: Ensures low-latency location tracking during rides.
  3. Elasticsearch for Driver Matching:
    • Trade-Off: High resource usage but optimized for geospatial and proximity-based searches.
    • Reason: Delivers fast and accurate matching for ride requests.
  4. MongoDB for Moderation:
    • Trade-Off: Flexible schema but lacks ACID transactions.
    • Reason: Efficiently stores diverse and rapidly changing flagging data.
  5. Batch Processing in Payment Service:
    • Trade-Off: Slight delay in processing but reduces system load during peak hours.
    • Reason: Ensures scalability and prevents transaction failures under high load.

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

Driver Matching Failures:

  • Issue: No drivers available in proximity.
  • Mitigation: Expand search radius or prioritize scheduled rides.

GPS Update Delays:

  • Issue: High volume of updates overwhelms location service.
  • Mitigation: Reduce update frequency dynamically and use motion models.

Search Index Overload:

  • Issue: High query volume on Elasticsearch.
  • Mitigation: Shard the index and cache frequent searches.

Payment Processing Delays:

  • Issue: Third-party gateway downtime.
  • Mitigation: Use multiple gateways and retry mechanisms.

Notification Flooding:

  • Issue: Burst of notifications during peak hours.
  • Mitigation: Batch similar notifications and implement rate limiting.

High Database Load:

  • Issue: Overload on relational databases during ride booking spikes.
  • Mitigation: Scale read replicas and use caching for frequent queries.

Driver-Passenger Miscommunication:

  • Issue: Incorrect location due to GPS errors.
  • Mitigation: Predict locations using Kalman filters and manual corrections.

Future improvements

Enhanced Driver Matching:

  • Improvement: Use ML models for better driver-passenger matching.
  • Mitigation: Reduces failure rates in finding drivers during peak hours.

Smarter GPS Handling:

  • Improvement: Implement edge-based processing for location updates.
  • Mitigation: Alleviates load on the central location service.

Search Index Optimization:

  • Improvement: Use distributed geospatial search with dynamic sharding.
  • Mitigation: Handles search query spikes efficiently.

Multi-Gateway Payment System:

  • Improvement: Add more third-party gateways for payment redundancy.
  • Mitigation: Ensures smooth payment processing during gateway downtimes.

Batch Notifications:

  • Improvement: Introduce grouped and digest notifications.
  • Mitigation: Reduces notification flooding during peak demand.

Real-Time Monitoring:

  • Improvement: Deploy AI-based anomaly detection for database and service loads.
  • Mitigation: Identifies and resolves bottlenecks proactively.

Dynamic Scaling:

  • Improvement: Enhance predictive scaling for peak traffic.
  • Mitigation: Ensures resource availability during surges.